The golden amber of chai tea is created by a black tea base which is caffeinated. We use Black Ceylon orange pekoe, the same tea used in our English Breakfast Tea. Ceylon tea is from Sri Lanka and is celebrated for its clean, brisk taste. “Orange Pekoe” refers to the grade, an unbroken whole leaf tea with long wiry leaves. It is significantly lighter and less astringent than other Sri Lankan teas, hence why we love it. It is antioxidant rich much like green tea.
Other tea bases include Dandelion root, Rooibos and Wattleseed.
Dandelion root. Botanical name: Taraxacum officinale radix. Part used: Root. Traditionally used to stimulate digestion, gallbladder function and the release of bile (helps emulsify fats), acts as a laxative and anti-rheumatic. Indicated for gallbladder disorders, jaundice, constipation, and to aid in the detoxification process. A universal bowel and liver cleanser.
Rooibos. Botanical name: Aspalathus liners. Part used: Leaf. Traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory, cleanser, antispasmodic, antiviral and antioxidant. Indicated for improving heart health, immunity, premature aging and toxic conditions. Also known for its high mineral content and ability to regulate blood sugar levels.
Wattleseed, an Australian native. Botanical name: Acacia victorian. Part used: Seed. Traditionally used for its antioxidant properties, which are the compounds that help our body fight off the free radicals and neutralize the effects of oxidative stress. It is nutrient rich in vitamins & minerals and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
The aromatics of Chai tea include: cinnamon, clove bed, cardamom, ginger and aniseed.
Cinnamon. Botanical name: Cinnamon serum, a native of Sri Lanka, is obtained from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon verum translates to ‘true cinnamon’ is more expensive than the cassia variety and is often employed for its medicinal properties taken as a tea, in cooking or as a herbal tincture (prescribed by your Herbalist or Naturopath). It is a warming antispasmodic, it stimulates appetite and digestive juices it is perfectly indicated for indigestion, gas, bloating, stomach upset & diarrhoea. It is often combined with other common digestive herbs such as Dandelion root, Fennel seed, Chamomile flower and Gentian root. When combined with Wormwood and Blackwalnut it is typically used to combat parasites. Its natural sweetness is used to satisfy sweet cravings when added to teas and recipes. It helps eliminate excess mucous and is also beneficial for fighting infections and inflammation of the respiratory tract – the simple common cold, cough and sinusitis are relieved and comforted. It acts as a warming, circulatory stimulant, indicated for chilblains or poor peripheral circulation leading to cold hands and feet.⠀⠀⠀
Clove bud. Botancial name: Syzygium aromatic. Part used: Bud. It has traditionally been used as a carminative, a term used in herbal medicine to relieve colic and wind and for its anthelmintic actions (kills parasites and worms). It is used for any digestive upset caused by parasites and often found combined with Wormwood and Black walnut in herbal therapeutic supplements and tonics. When eaten, the essential oil in clove works as an analgesic for gum/tooth pain. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
True or Green Cardamom, sometimes spelled cardamon. Botanical name: Elettaria cardamom. The green pod contains black seeds which provide the aroma, flavour and therapy. Traditionally used as a carminative (relieve colic and wind), antispasmodic, antiseptic, digestive, and an expectorant. Used to treat sore throats, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, loss of appetite, common cold, and bronchitis. But one of the surprising applications is as a mouth freshener. Simply chew on the black seeds for instant mouth freshness. And how perfect, they come in their own little capsule for traveling. Pop a few in your bag.⠀
Ginger. Botanical name: Zinger officinale. Part used: Rhizome. Traditionally used for nausea and vomiting associated with travel sickness. Ginger is indicated for intestinal colic, nausea, motion sickness, fever, arthritis, endometriosis and migraine headaches.
Aniseed. Botanical name: Pimpinella animus. Part Used: Ripe dried fruit Traditionally used for coughs, bronchitis and respiratory catarrh. It is also indicated as an anti-parasitic and carminative, therefore useful in mild spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints.